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Sunspots or Solar Lentigines are hyper pigmentation areas caused by direct and prolonged exposure to ultra violet rays from the sun and tanning beds. Sun spots, sometimes also called age spots, are usually not dangerous or harmful, however the uneven skin tone may become a concern to clients. Patients with lighter skin tones are more prone to receiving sun spots if they do not protect their skin from the sun. There are a variety of different treatments for sun spots ranging from over the counter creams, natural remedies, prescription topical creams and laser treatments.

Natural at home remedies are simple and cost effective, however the results may take longer to see then than prescription creams and laser treatments . Vitamin C, such as the one found in fresh slices of lemons, is an amazing remedy to help brighten up the skin and reducing the appearance of dark spots. This is a daily treatment that requires the application of fresh lemon slices on the skin for 10 – 15 minutes each day. Antioxidants in green tea also promote the skin’s natural healing properties. The green tea bags are soaked in hot water for approximately 10-15 minutes and applied on the skin using a cotton ball. The gel from broken Vitamin E capsules can be applied directly on the sun spot to help break down pigmentation.

Avalon Laser recommends the following prescription creams to help clients achieve faster results in reducing the appearance of sun spots on the face: AHA wash, Retin-A, Hydroquinone, Supreme Bleaching cream with Retin A, Hydroquinone Kojic Acid, and Azalaic Acid. These creams not only break down the pigmentation at a faster rate they also help increase natural skin cell turnover to stimulate collagen production and help reduce fine line and wrinkles.

More intense treatments, such as IPL/ Photofacial San Diego treatment are able to penetrate deeper into the epidermis and help the body metabolize the melanin causing the pigmentation. To achieve the best results with IPL, Avalon Laser recommend a series of at least 3-6 treatments one month apart. Lasers use a high-powered, direct beam of intense coherent light on a specific wavelength to target a single condition. Because lasers are targeting one thing with a higher level of intensity, they’re more effective.The best way to reduce sun spots is of course prevention. Clients are recommended to use a broad spectrum sun block with titanium dioxide and zinc to help minimize sun damage.

To find out more about sun damage treatment options or laser hair removal in San Diego or Carlsbad – call Avalon Laser today!

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