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Enhancing Your Beauty within the cities of San Diego, Carlsbad, Del Mar & nearby areas of California

For some women, dieting and exercise alone is just not enough to loose the baby weight gained during pregnancy. Velashape is a popular treatment which helps reduce stubborn fat deposits and cellulite on the legs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. Velashape works by bi-polar radio frequency energy and heat to allow the body to naturally metabolize the fatty tissue and smooth out the skin. This is the only FDA approved treatment for non-surgical circumferential fat reduction on the market. To achieve significant results we recommend a series of at least six treatments one week apart. The effects of the procedure can be noticed immediately post treatment, however the final results will show 6-8 weeks post the final Velashape session.

To find out more about Velashape and fat reduction in San Diego, call Avalon Laser today!

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